6 Days 5 Nights Kenya Meru Samburu Aberdare Nakuru Safari is a trip that encompasses the highlights of Kenya in ultimate luxury under the 6 Days Kenya Safaris : From the best game viewing areas to the international known bird and rhino sanctuary.

There are many places in Africa that claim to have the best game viewing but few have the credentials of the areas that are visited on this spectacular 6 Days 5 Nights Kenya Meru Samburu Aberdare Nakuru Safari.

Meru national Park, Samburu, Aberdare and Lake Nakuru National Park that are certain to provide memories to last forever. Enjoy game drives and night drives with guides who know the areas intimately.

Your experienced safari guides will provide a unique perspective on the habits of the animals and will ensure that you come away knowing that you have experienced the ultimate in an African Safari.


Day 1: Depart Nairobi – Drive to Meru/ Kora National Park
Day 2: Meru – Drive to Samburu Game Reserve
Day 3: Explore Samburu Game Reserve
Day 4: Samburu – Drive to Aberdare National Park/ Mount Kenya National Park
Day 5: Aberdare – Drive to Lake Nakuru National Park
Day 6: Lake Nakuru – Drive to Nairobi

Day 1: Depart Nairobi – Drive To Meru/ Kora National Park

We depart Nairobi after breakfast by road taking the Nyeri-Nanyuki-Meru or via Embu all weather roads. The park is located 348 km from Nairobi.

Upon arrival at our camp we enjoy lunch followed by some leisure time before we depart for the afternoon game-drive.

The main attraction in the park includes former home of Joy and George Adamson and Elsa the lioness, views of Mt Kenya, rivers and riverine habitats, Tana river and Adamson’s falls.

Meru National Park is mainly thorny bush land in the North, wooded grasslands in the West and open grassland elsewhere.

Wildlife likely to seen during our game drive include: Grevy’s Zebra, Elephants, Eland, Bush Pig, Waterbuck, Cheetah and Leopard, Reticulated Giraffe.

There are also Hippopotamus, Bohor Reedbuck, Hartebeest, Python, Puff Udder, Cobra and Buffalo The Park has more than 427 recorded species of birds.

Overnight Accommodation: Ikweta Camp or Similar
Meal Plan {Lunch & Dinner}

Day 2: Meru – Drive To Samburu Game Reserve

After breakfast depart by road to Samburu Game Reserve located on the banks of the Ewaso Nyiro River.

On the other side of the river is the Buffalo Springs National Reserve in Northern Kenya. It is 165 km² in size and 108 kilometers from Meru National Park.

Arrive in time for lunch then later set out for our afternoon game-drive.

In the southern part of the park, you are guaranteed to see most of the famous animals found in Samburu, namely: cheetahs, lions, leopards, impalas, buffalo, hippos, and dik-diks.

Also featured are the native gerenuk, Grevy’s zebra, reticulated giraffe and Beisa Oryx.

You are guaranteed to see most animals during the dry season as they converge at the Usaso Nyiro River, their main source of water during the long dry weather.

Elephants are also spotted during this time, and you can watch the Nile crocodiles swim in the river.

Overnight Accommodation: Ashnil Aruba Samburu or Similar
Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 3: Explore Samburu Game Reserve

Today we explore Samburu Game Reserve on morning and afternoon game-drives. Other than wildlife there are more that Samburu offers.

Samburu National Reserve is a paradise for bird lovers, with over 350 species of birds already recorded.

You can enjoy a colorful assortment of birds such as vultures, kingfishers, marabous, bateleurs, guinea fowl, Somali ostriches and many more.

In between game drives you can visit the local Samburu villages where you get a chance to interact with the colorful Samburu people in their traditional setting and experience their culture.

This is a good opportunity to purchase traditional Samburu souvenirs, art and collectibles.

Overnight Accommodation: Ashnil Aruba Samburu or Similar
Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 4: Samburu – Drive To Aberdare National Park/ Mount Kenya National Park

After breakfast drive Southwards to the lush foothills of snow capped Mount Kenya – Africa’s second highest mountain

Arrivie at the Lodge in time for lunch, you will relax in the balconies and lounges which provides superb vantage point (Viewing Bunker) for game viewing at the water hole.

Nestled in the foothills between Aberdare and Mount Kenya National Park, the lodge is famous for its high perches and balconies, overlooking a salt lick and waterhole. Here we will enjoy the finest in high-altitude game viewing.

Overnight Accommodation: The Ark Forest Lodge or Serena Mountain Lodge or Treetop Forest Lodge 
Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 5: Aberdare – Drive To Lake Nakuru National Park

Today we travel by road to Lake Nakuru National Park is famous for its bird spectacle featuring over a million flamingos, over 400 migratory bird species from around the world and large flotillas of pelicans.

Two species of flamingos exists in the lake Nakuru Game Park- the lesser flamingo with deep red carmine bill and the greater flamingo with black tip.

The flamingos feed on Blue green algae, created from their droppings mixing in the warm alkaline waters, and planktons.

Lake Nakuru National Park is home of a million Flamingos & other Birds: 450 species in total identified.

Mammals: 56 different species of mammals have been identified including black and white rhinos, Rothschild’s giraffes, cape buffaloes, Deffassa waterbucks, Thomson’s and Grant’s gazelles.

More animals include Impalas, lions, leopards, warthogs, olive baboons, black backed jackal, reedbucks, dik diks, elands

View-points: Lion hill, Baboon cliff and Out of Africa provide vintage views of the lake and the surrounding National Park.

Overnight Accommodation: Lake Nakuru Lodge or Sarova Lion hill Lodge
Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}

Day 6: Lake Nakuru – Drive To Nairobi

After breakfast we drive back to Nairobi arriving mid afternoon. On arrival transfer to the airport for your onward flight.

Meal Plan {Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner}